"Say it" ("Sag es" in German) is a game, application, or whatever you want to call it, designed to practice your pronunciation. So you need to know a little bit of English. Playing with it, you will probably discover that you were pronouncing some words wrongly. Or that in English they do not pronounce the "r" as strongly as foreigners do. Or that some words have exactly the same pronunciation, like "muscle" and "mussel" or "to", "two" and "too".
The idea was created during an English course. I would like to thank the teachers Paul, David and Graham for their support. Using the dictionary I realized that trying to pronunce the phonetics (without reading the real word) was amusing, and I discovered some mistakes in my pronunciation. Therefore I decided to develop an application to practice this.
Later I did the German version, "Sag es". The history is the same.
Some people may think that "understanding" the phonetic symbols is difficult. But fortunately, the IPA people did a good job, and the phonetic symbols are similar to the sound that they represent. In 5 minutes you will manage almost all the English symbols. This is not a memory exercise. You have a table below the question word to help you. Click the question mark icon to toggle the table.
At this point I would like to make a comment: English vowels are a mess. In Spanish we have just 5 vowels (yes, a, e, i, o and u). In English there are many, with few differences. And the "neutral vowel" "" is especially difficult. However it was reassuring to realize that some famous dictionaries like Collins or Oxford in some cases propose a different phonetic representation.
I also really want to thank Luli for her help developing this page, and some beta testers that have put up with me.
During the design of the web, we paid special attention trying to make it usable with smarphones, not only with PCs. I know, it is not an "app". But just working once, anybody can use it in a PC, Mac, iPhone, Android, etc. Anywhere with a web browser.
Concerning the program, there are a few interesting settings. This configuration is done adding an "?" at the URL address, the option, "=" and the value. To setup many options, separate them with "&". For example "?d=o&s=1&l=3"